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Control Bid

Suggested by Bekir Dural to control slam possibility on major opennings when both partners have 15-16 points with fit but without a singleton or void. In this situation none of them can make a slam invitation, and you can not use Splinter Bid convention. Then the responder may declare the minor which he has control, in the third level.

R D 9     ♥ D V 8 5     A V     ♣ D 8 5 2

The above responder hand is too strong to bid 4 Spades when the openning is 1 Spade, but it is weak on the other hand to invite to slam. In the application of this convention you bid 3 Diamonds. That will mean, you have 15-16 points, support to Spades, control in Diamonds and no control in Clubs since you have skipped. Opener bids game with a limited hand, but may continue the controls with a good hand.

The interferences may prevent the application of this convention. For instance, after 2 Hearts overcall over 1 Spade openning, your 3 minor bid shoul be natural. But the other interferences may not prevent, just like 1 Spade overcall to 1 Heart openning.