Weissberger Convention
Used especially in Acol Bidding System. In 1 NT openning, after 2 Diamonds response to Stayman, 3 Diamonds asks 3 cards of major. In order to apply this convention you should have 5 cards of Spades and 4 cards of Hearts and HCP enough to play 3 NT. The answers are as follows.
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
3 Diamonds
- 3 Hearts
- 3 Spades
- 3 NT
- 4 Spades
- 2 cards of Spades, minimum points
- 3 cards of Spades, minimum points
- 2 cards of Spades, maximum points
- 3 cards of Spades, maximum points
You can not use this convention when you have 5 cards of Hearts and 4 cards of Spades. However you could use in all situations with a small variation. Opener's high card points are not so important in this level because, since you have HCP enough to play 3 NT, you will play 4 major if you could find fit. Then the answers could be as follows.
Opener |
Responder |
Opener |
Responder |
Opener |
Explanation |
1 NT |
2 Clubs |
2 Diamonds |
3 Diamonds |
After 3 NT rebid of opener, responder may apply transfer to his 5 cards major.