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Transfer Conventions

Developed in order to prevent the strong hand to be dummy in NoTrump opennings.

- The players who play Minor-Suit Stayman bids 2 NT for transfer to Clubs, and 3 Clubs for transfer to Diamonds.

- In Super Five Cards Major transfer to Clubs is done with 2 Spades, transfer to Diamonds is done with 3 Clubs.

- The other systems bid 2 Spades for both minor transfers. Opener tarnsfer it to Clubs and the responder bids the Diamonds if it is the case.

1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
2 Hearts
2 Spades
3 Hearts
3 Spades
5 cards of Hearts, 4 cards of Spades with 8-9 HCPs
5 cards of Spades, 4 cards of Hearts with 8-9 HCPs
5 cards of Spades, 4 cards of Hearts with 10+ HCPs
5 cards of Hearts, 4 cards of Spades with 10+ HCPs

If the responder has 4-6 distribution and opener bids 3 NT, responder requires transfer again with 4 Diamonds to 4 Hearts or with 4 Hearts to 4 Spades.

1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
2 Hearts
2 Spades
2 NT
3 NT
3 Spades
3 cards of Spade, minimum value
2 cards of Spade, minimum value
2 cards of Spade, maximum value
3 cards of Spade, maximum value
2 Spades
2 NT
3 NT
3 Hearts
4 Hearts
2 cards of Hearts, minimum value
2 cards of Hearts, maximum value
3 cards of Hearts, minimum value
3 cards of Hearts, maximum value

This convention could be applied starting from 7+ points. If the opener has minimum value it is possible to stay at 2nd level.

If responder does not have slam interest bid the game. The response other than the indicated major shows slam interest and asks the unconrolled suit. 4 NT is Blackwood Convention.