Stayman Conventions
Utilized in order to find 4-4 major fit in NoTrump opennings. There are different applications.
Stayman : Developed by English J.C.H.Marx (1939) and American George Rapee (1945) independently from each other. It is known as Stayman because it is published by George Rapee’s partner Samuel Stayman in 1945. J.C.H.Marx has been able to publish in 1946 because of the Second World War.
This is a 4 cards major search convention applied by the responder by bidding 2 Clubs in NoTrump opennings. The answers differ between the systems. Following table shows the answers in Super 5 cards Major system.
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
No 4 cards of major
2 Hearts
4 cards of Hearts
2 Spades
4 cards of Spades
2 NT
4 cards of Spades and 4 cards of Hearts
In the other systems:
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
No 4 cards of major, minimum openning value
2 Hearts
4 cards of Hearts, may be 4 cards of Spades
2 Spades
4 cards of Spades, 4 cards of Hearts
2 NT
No 4 cards of major, maximum openning value
Stayman requires 7 HCPs and 8 total points for 16-18 points 1 NT openning systems, 8 HCPs and 9 Total points for 15-17 points 1 NT systems.
Stayman is utilized also in 2 NT opennings in one level higher. It requires at least 5 HCPs.
Puppet Stayman : Developed by Kit Woolsay and Steve Robinson. It's a version of Stayman used in systems in which NT opennings do not deny a 5 cards major.
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
A 4 cards major, no 5 cards major
2 Hearts
5 cards of Hearts
2 Spades
5 cards of Spades
2 NT No 5 cards major, no 4 cards major
Opener | Responder | Opener | Responder | Explanation |
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
2 Hearts | 4 cards of Spades |
2 Spades | 4 cards of Hearts | |||
2 NT | 4 cards of Spades, 4 cards of Hearts | |||
3 Hearts | 4 cards of Hearts, 5 cards of Spades | |||
3 Spades | 4 cards of Spades, 5 cards of Hearts | |||
3 NT | No 4 cards of major |
Puppet Stayman is utilized in the same manner in 2 NT opennings one level higher with a little difference. After Opener's 3 Diamonds bid, Responder shows his 4-4 major distribution by bidding 4 Clubs for Slam interest, 4 Diamonds for Game interest. 3 NT bid by responder shows no 4 cards major.
Minor-Suit Stayman : 2 Spades response to 1 NT openning shows 5-4 minor distribution and game invitation. Opener choose one of the minors or bids 2 NT to leave the choise to responder.
The players who play Minör-Suit Stayman, bid 2 NT for transfer to Clubs and bid 3 Clubs for transfer to Diamonds.
Check-Back Stayman : After the bidding sequence between the opener and the responder such as 1 Minor - 1 Major - 1 NT, the responder requires the opener to explain his hand by bidding 2 Clubs. The complete sequence are as follows.
1 Club
1 Spade
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
No 3 cards of Spades nor 4 cards of Hearts
2 Hearts
4 cards of Hearts, no 3 cards of Spades
2 Spades
3 cards of Spades, may be 4 cards of Hearts
If the first bid of the responder was 1 Heart, 2 Clubs would ask if opener has 3 cards of Hearts or not. Because opener should not have 4 cards of Spades, otherwise he would bid 1 Spade instead of 1 NT.
There are some different applications of this convention. In one of them 2 Hearts response says "I have 4 cards of Hearts, and I may have 3 cards of Spades", 2 Spades response says "I have 3 cards of Spades but I don't have 4 cards of Hearts". Nevertheless the both application is a little bit deficient. The more complete version might be as following.
1 Club
1 Spade
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
No 3 cards of Spades nor 4 cards of Hearts
2 Hearts
4 cards of Hearts, no 3 cards of Spades
2 spades
3 cards of Spades, no 4 cards of Hearts
2 NT
3 cards of Spades, and 4 cards of Hearts
This convention makes impossible 2 Clubs natural bidding. So you must consider to play 3 Clubs with such a following hand.
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