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Stayman Conventions

Utilized in order to find 4-4 major fit in NoTrump opennings. There are different applications.

This is a 4 cards major search convention applied by the responder by bidding 2 Clubs in NoTrump opennings. The answers differ between the systems. Following table shows the answers in Super 5 cards Major system.





1 NT

2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

No 4 cards of major

2 Hearts

4 cards of Hearts

2 Spades

4 cards of Spades

2 NT

4 cards of Spades and 4 cards of Hearts

In the other systems: 





1 NT

2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

No 4 cards of major, minimum openning value

2 Hearts

4 cards of Hearts, may be 4 cards of Spades

2 Spades

4 cards of Spades,  4 cards of Hearts

2 NT

No 4 cards of major, maximum openning value

Stayman requires 7 HCPs and 8 total points for 16-18 points 1 NT openning systems, 8 HCPs and 9 Total points for 15-17 points 1 NT systems.

Stayman is utilized also in 2 NT opennings in one level higher. It requires at least 5 HCPs.





1 NT

2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

A 4 cards major, no 5 cards major

2 Hearts

5 cards of Hearts

2 Spades

5 cards of Spades

2 NT No 5 cards major, no 4 cards major


 Opener Responder  Opener  Responder  Explanation
 1 NT




 2 Clubs




 2 Diamonds




 2 Hearts  4 cards of Spades
 2 Spades  4 cards of Hearts
 2 NT  4 cards of Spades, 4 cards of Hearts
 3 Hearts  4 cards of Hearts, 5 cards of Spades
 3 Spades  4 cards of Spades, 5 cards of Hearts
 3 NT  No 4 cards of major

Puppet Stayman is utilized in the same manner in 2 NT opennings one level higher with a little difference.  After Opener's 3 Diamonds bid, Responder shows his 4-4 major distribution  by bidding 4 Clubs for Slam interest, 4 Diamonds for Game interest. 3 NT bid by responder shows no 4 cards major.

The players who play Minör-Suit Stayman, bid 2 NT for transfer to Clubs and bid 3 Clubs for transfer to Diamonds.







1 Club

1 Spade

1 NT

2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

No 3 cards of Spades nor 4 cards of Hearts

2 Hearts

4 cards of Hearts, no 3 cards of Spades

2 Spades

3 cards of Spades, may be 4 cards of Hearts

If the first bid of the responder was 1 Heart, 2 Clubs would ask if opener has 3 cards of Hearts or not. Because opener should not have 4 cards of Spades, otherwise he would bid 1 Spade instead of 1 NT.

There are some different applications of this convention. In one of them 2 Hearts response says "I have 4 cards of Hearts, and I may have 3 cards of Spades", 2 Spades response says "I have 3 cards of Spades but I don't have 4 cards of Hearts". Nevertheless the both application is a little bit deficient. The more complete version might be as following.







1 Club

1 Spade

1 NT

2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

No 3 cards of Spades nor 4 cards of Hearts

2 Hearts

4 cards of Hearts, no 3 cards of Spades

2 spades

3 cards of Spades, no 4 cards of Hearts

2 NT

3 cards of Spades, and  4 cards of Hearts

This convention makes impossible 2 Clubs natural bidding. So you must consider to play 3 Clubs with such a following hand.

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