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Roman Asking Bids 

Developed by Edgar Kaplan ve Alfred Sheinwold. After aggreed on a trump if you will try to play slam you bid the suit to be controlled at 5th level. Responses are just like as in Blackwood Convention. You can examine an example auction at the below table.







3 Hearts
4 Hearts
5 Diamonds
5 Hearts
5 Spades
5 NT
6 Clubs
No Diamond control
Damond King or singleton
Diamond Ace or void
Diamond Ace and King

The suit to be controlled is Diamond, answers are started from Hearts and continue without skipping any level or suit. This convention is especially useful for the situations in which the Blackwood convention would not be meaningful since you have a void. But since it conflicts with Exclusion Blackwood, it is more convinient to use for control at fourth level after 1 NT opennings.