Bergen Conventions
Marty Bergen is a famous bridge player who prefers more conventional bridge. He developed many conventions which are used in Two Over One bidding system.
Bergen Raises : It is applied in 1 level major opennings as in the following tables.
1 Spade
- 1 NT
- 2 Spades
- 2 NT
- 3 Clubs
- 3 Diamonds
- 3 Spades
- 6-12 HCP, Less than 4 cards of Spades (Forcing)
- 6-9 HCP, 3 cards of Spades
- Jacoby 2 NT
- 7-10 HCP, 4 cards of Spades
- 10-12 HCP, 4 cards of Spades
- 2-5 HCP, 4 cards of Spades
In this convention 1 Spade response to 1 Heart openning is natural, shifting suit in 2 levels is natural game forcing as in Two Over One bidding system. If the first opponent doubles the major openning the responses change as follows.
1 Spade
- 2 Clubs
- 2 Diamonds
- 2 Spades
- 7-9 HCP 3 cards support
- 7-9 HCP 4 cards support
- 5-7 HCP 3 cards support
Some players apply 2 Clubs and 2 Diamonds responses just the same as in the first table. The other responses are the same with Two Over One system.
Bidding the other major suit in 3rd level indicates a slam intention with 4 cards support and a void or singleton. Opener asks the shortness with the cheapest possible declaration or declares game with minimum openning points. This system is known as Concealed Splinter. It's advantage over Splinter Bid is that it gives less information on the singleton or void suit in the case of no slam intention. Bidding is as follows.
1 Spade
3 Hearts
3 Spades
- 3 NT
- 4 Clubs
- 4 Diamonds
- Club is void or singleton
- Diamond is void or singleton
- Heart is void or singleton
1 Heart
3 Spades
3 NT
- 4 Clubs
- 4 Diamonds
- 4 Hearts
- Club is void or singleton
- Diamond is void or singleton
- Spade is void or singleton
D.O.N.T. Convention (Disturb The Opponents’ NoTrump) : This is an intervention convention over 1 NT opennings.
1 NT
- Double
- 2 Clubs
- 2 Diamonds
- 2 Hearts
- 2 Spades
- 2 NT
- 3 Suits
- 3 NT
- Single suited hand, waits partner's 2 Clubs to show
- 5-4 distribution, one of them is Club
- 5-4 distribution, one of them is Diamond and the other is a major
- 5-4 Hearts and Spades
- At least 6 cards of Spades
- 6-5 Minor and Major distribution
- At least 7 cards, weak hand
- 6-5 Major distribution
And now the responses of the 2nd.Opponent.
1 NT
2 Clubs
- Pas
- 2 Diamonds
- 2 Hearts
- 2 Spades
- 3 Clubs
- 2 NT
- Willing to play the bidded suit
- Willing to play the other suit
- At least 6 cards of Hearts
- At least 6 cards of Spades
- Suport to Clubs
- Willing to learn the other suit, and game invitation
Rebids of 2nd.Opponent are in the same manner for 2 Diamonds intervention. 2nd.Opponent rebids Club in lowest possible level in double, 1 NT and 2 NT interventions in order to learn the first long suit of the intervenor.
Bergen Drury : Please see Drury convention from the Conventions section.