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Astro Convention

This convention is an intervention over 1 NT opennings. It's similar with Landy but long suits are not necessarily the major ones. Developed by Paul Allinger, Roger Stern and Larry Rossler, the name ASTRO has been drived from the first characters of their last names.

Opener Intervenor Distribution
1 NT
2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
5 cards Hearts and a 4 cards minor, 9+ HCP
5 cards Spades and a 4 cards suit, 9+ HCP

Lets look at the responses of the intervenor's partner from the table below

Opener Intervenor Partner Distribution
1 NT 2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
2 Hearts
2 Spades
2 NT
3 Clubs
3 Diamonds
3 Hearts
3 Spades
Long Clubs, weak hand
Denies Hearts support
Promises Hearts support but weak hand
Shows at least 6 cards Spades, No Hearts support
11 HCP, denies Hearts support, asks the other suit
At least 6 cards Clubs, game invitation
At least 6 cards Diamonds, game invitation
3-4 cards Hearts support, game invitation
At least 6 cards Spades, game invitation
  2 Diamonds
2 Hearts
2 Spades
2 NT
3 Clubs
3 Karo
3 Kör
3 Pik
Long Diamonds, weak hand
Denies Spades support
Promises Spades support but weak hand
11 HCP, denies Spades support, asks the other suit
At least 6 cards Clubs, game invitation
At least 6 cards Diamonds, game invitation
At least 6 cards Hearts, game invitation
3-4 cards Spades support, game invitation

 This convention has some different versions.

Astro Convention has so many variations that you could create your own Astro. One of them is as follows.




1 NT

2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
3 Hearts
3 Spades
Shows Spades and Hearts
Shows Clubs and Spades
Shows Diamonds and Spades
Shows Clubs and Hearts
Shows Diamonds and Hearts

It is clear that the above application is wrong because 3 Spades overcall shows the Red suits, so the level should be raised to 4 even if the partner has a very weak hand. This version of Astro could be revized as in the table below.




1 NT

2 Clubs
2 Diamonds
3 Hearts
3 Spades
Shows Spades and Hearts
Shows Clubs and Spades
Shows Diamonds and Hearts
Shows Hearts and Clubs
Shows Spades and Diamonds

As you will recognize that the major suit overcalls in this variation are one level higher. The reason is to utilize the second level as natural overcalls which will show a long suit.