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Albarran Convention


Introduced by Pierre Albarran in order to search Aces in Responder's hand in strong 2 Clubs game forcing opennings. There are different versions but the original is as follows.





2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

2 Hearts

2 Spades

2 NT

3 Clubs

3 Diamonds

3 Hearts

3 Spades

3 NT

4 Hearts

4 Spades

4 NT

No Ace, 0-7 HCP

Ace of Hearts

Ace of Spades

No Ace, 8+ HCP

Ace of Clubs

Ace of Diamonds

6 cards of Hearts

6 cards of Spades

2 Aces

6 cards of Hearts, minimum point

6 cards of Spades, minimum point

3 Aces


A different version :





2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

2 Hearts

2 Spades

2 NT

3 Clubs

3 Diamonds

3 Hearts

3 Spades

3 NT

No Ace, 0-7 HCP

Ace of Hearts

Ace of Spades

No Ace, 8+ HCP

Ace of Clubs

Ace of Diamonds

2 same color Aces

2 major or 2 minor Aces

2 mixed Aces (such as Spade and Diamond)



Applicaton in Super Five Cards Major system





2 Clubs

2 Diamonds

2 Hearts

2 Spades

2 NT

3 Hearts

3 Spades

3 NT

No Ace, 0-7 HCP

1 Red Ace

1 Black Ace

No Ace, 8+ HCP

2 same color Aces

2 major or 2 minor Aces

2 mixed Aces


If you play Albarran convention, then you can ask the number of Kings instead of Aces using 4 NT Blackwood convention.