Comparative Bridge |
Standard American Yellow Card
This system is based on Goren Bidding System and has been previously called as Goren’s American Standard. Then it has been developed and finalized by ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) and took this name. This system is spreadly played also out of United States.
This is a 5 cards major system but some players at the 3rd and 4th position may open with a 4 cards major. If there is no 5 cards major then the auction is to be started with the longer minor. If the lengths of the minors are equal, auction is started by bidding 1 Clubs for 3-3 distribution, and by bidding 1 Diamond for the other equalities. Strong NoTrump opennings are basic and NoTrump opennings do not deny a weak 5 cards major. Weak 2 level opennings are applied, strong openning with unbalanced hands is 2 Clubs, with balanced hands 2 NT. You can examine the opennings and responses from the following table.
(*) Partners may apply Jacoby 2 SA convention. (Pls see Conventions)
In SAYC bidding system the second tour biddings are natural.